Pricing and Policies




Prior to starting classes, each family will be required to pay a non-refundable $75 registration fee per family, per dance year.



Monthly tuition fees are figured based on the number of classes taken by each family and are due on the 1st of each month. Tuition that is received after the 8th of the month will be subject to a $30 late fee. Tuition is due regardless of the number of classes attended; no refunds will be given for classes missed because of illness, vacation, or cancellations caused by inclement weather.

Tuition can be paid by cash, check, or charge at the studio office; by cash or check paid at the front desk at the dance studio; or by credit card payment online.

$70 per month - 1 class each week
$135 per month - 2 classes each week
$195 per month - 3 classes each week
$250 per month - 4 classes each week

$45 per month - each additional class over 4

**NOTE: Tippy Toes is $60/month



Upon registration, each dancer must pay a $45 non-refundable costume deposit per dance class. This deposit is applied toward the total price of the recital costume (between $95 and $120). The remaining costume balance will be due in November of each year. Exact payment date to be announced each year. Each costume, once paid in full, will become the property of the dancer.

If dancers drop a dance class(es) after the costume(s) has been ordered, they may pick up their costume(s) at the studio anytime after that year's dance recital has taken place.


A recital fee will be collected in March of each dance season. The recital fee is $95 for families with one recital dancer, and $45 for each additional dancer registered to the same family. Dancers will receive a recital t-shirt with their paid recital fee, as well as complimentary downloads of all performances. Seats for all recital guests will be purchased when tickets are released online to the public.

The recital fee is separate from the costume balance and goes toward overall recital expenses. 


There will be a $50 fee assessed for all returned checks or ACH payments that don't process through.


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Policies & Procedures


Students should be properly dressed for each class they attend, including the proper dance shoes. All students, regardless of which classes they are taking, are required to wear a leotard (any color). Shorts, skirts, capris or jazz pants may be worn over their leotards. Fitted tank tops may be worn over the top of leotards, but t-shirts or sweatshirts will need to be taken off before class begins. Parents should also make sure that their dancers' hair is out of their face when they come to dance class.



Dancers must wear the proper dance shoes required for each dance class. Dance shoes should not be worn outside the dance studio, since this can cause unnecessary wear and tear to your child's dance shoes. Dance shoes should be marked with the dancer's name and carried to and from the dance studio in a dedicated dance bag. This bag can also hold their belongings during class time and keep them separate from other dancers' belongings.



All required dancewear and shoes are available at ADC's Boutique for a discounted price. ADC offers other apparel, including ADC-branded t-shirts, sweatshirts, pants, and bags, for purchase. All available merchandise is put out for display and purchase by dancers and their family members.



At the beginning of each month, newsletters will be sent via email to the address on each dancer's account. These newsletters will serve as a reminder that tuition is due and also provide important information about upcoming events, reminders, and policy updates. It is the responsibility of each parent to review each newsletter and stay updated on studio news. Past and current newsletter issues can be viewed on the News page.



All classes will begin and end on time. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their dancers arrive to class on time and must also be there to pick up their children as soon as class is over. ADC and the ADC staff are not responsible for children left unattended before or after dance class.



Regular attendance is encouraged to ensure optimal growth of both individual dancers and the class as a whole. Attendance is particularly important once dance recital practices begin, not only so each dancer doesn't get behind, but also because other class members are relying on your dancer for his/her role in the routine.



Winter - In the case of inclement weather, ADC will cancel class if the major school districts are not holding classes and activities. If bad weather arrives during the course of the day and parents are unsure about the status of classes for the evening, please check email communication or check the studio voicemail, which should be updated by 3:00 p.m. If bad weather begins to arrive through the course of the evening, parents are responsible for calling the studio to determine whether classes are canceled before coming to class. ADC will not typically make up classes canceled due to bad weather unless the same class misses two or more sessions, in which case ADC staff will attempt to reschedule the class

Spring - In the case of severe weather during the springtime, ADC is obligated to keep dancers at the studio until the immediate threat passes. ADC staff will make every possible attempt to keep dancers and their family members safe during storms. When severe weather hits, parents are responsible for calling the studio to determine whether classes are canceled before bringing their dancers to class.



The studio will be closed during the following holiday breaks: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Exact break dates will be announced at the beginning of each dance year. Holiday breaks for the current year can be found online at, and in reminders in the monthly newsletters. ADC will remain open during all parent/teacher conference breaks, teacher in-service days and any other days off from school, including national holidays like Columbus Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, etc.



ADC does not allow dancers to make up classes that they miss, primarily due to the fact that each class is working on a specific, unique dance routine, so make-up dancers will not get any practice in their own routines by attending a different class. Furthermore, alternate classes might be at their full class limit, leaving no room for additional dancers.



Dancers are expected to respect their dance teacher and classmates at all times. ADC and ADC staff reserve the right to excuse from class children who refuse to cooperate. In such a case, the dancer's parent will be notified and asked to pick up their dancer immediately.



Acapriccio Dance Company will refer to and follow any local, state and federal regulations in regards to health and welfare of people during times of pandemic or disaster. In the event of extreme weather, unforeseen circumstances, emergencies or government mandated shutdowns there will be no refunds provided for missed classes. If these shutdowns last longer than two consecutive weeks, we will then provide makeup classes. Due to the nature of the closure or shutdown, these makeup classes may be provided via an online platform.



Acapriccio Dance Company reserves the right to make changes to the policies and procedures at any time. Notice of changes will be given here on the ADC website and in the monthly newsletters.